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tv   Newscenter 5 at Five  ABC  October 23, 2015 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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s news lder, thiss wcvb newscenter 5 at 5:00. phil: mexico' s west coast is bracing for an historic storm tonight. hurricane patricia set to reach land any moment. jc: in this shot from international space station, you can see the storm' s powerful eye. phil: take a look from the west coast. this is the storm zone. good evening, everybody. jc: hurricane patricia started out as a minor storm then quickly developed into the strongest hurricane ever recorded. harvey leonard joins us, harvey? harvey: you can see it bearing down on the mexican coast. on top of that, it is officially the strongest hurricane on record in the eastern portion of the pacific or the atlantic basin. that' s a pretty powerful statement. highest food can reach 200 miles per hour with gusts of 45. 190 mile an hour winds.
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gusts of 230 five, easily category five and then some. starting to accelerate to the north-northeast. it' s going to be making landfall in the hours ahead. here is a close up look. probably the place it you have heard of the most in this aerial is part of the art of -- puerto vallarta. it' s usually to the right, the east of the track that is most dangerous. the other thing i want to point out, the hurricane force winds extend out 35 miles from the center. it is not that large. the winds reached at 200 miles per hour, 15 miles from the center. this is the track of the storm. of course, it will take a wild to wind down. it will be a huge rainmaker in the mountains of mexico.
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responsible for lots of tropical moisture and heavy rains in texas and parts of the gulf coast. as far as we are concerned, look at the temperatures now, compared to what we had yesterday, it is as much as 24 degrees colder than this time yesterday and the winds are gusty, too, adding to the chill in the dramatic change. late tonight, early tomorrow, there will be frost in many areas, even southwest of boston and in most places north and west of boston. the rest of the weekend picture phil: coming up in a little while. phil:phil: -- thanks. right now in randolph police alerting parents about an attempted abduction. jc: investigators say a suspicious man tried to lure an 11-year-old as she got off the bus. newscenter 5' s sera congi is live in randolph tonight, sera? sera: frightening moments for this middle schooler as she was getting off the bus. police say the 11-year-old had just gotten off the bus by
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lane and self street. an elderly man approached her, grabbed her by the arm, told her he wanted to speak to her. she managed to get away, but that was not the end of it. >> she moved away from him, went toward her home, she then stopped and sat down. he came and said down next to her. he did not say anything at that time. then he followed her once more, once again not making any statements to her and that is the last time she saw him. sera: the girl was not hurt and she gave police a detailed discussion of this man. she said he is elderly, white 5' small build. he was wearing a red sox t-shirt s unclear what this man' s also police in quincy are looking into an incident in girls were
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at this point, police have not made a connection between the seed of incidents. live in randolph, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5. jc: a dorchester teenager is under arrest tonight accused in a deadly stabbing at the jackson square t station. police say the 16-year-old confessed. newscenter 5' s jorge quiroga is live in roxbury tonight, jorge? on center street, you can see where friends of the victim kept gathering all afternoon. whole luddy incident was caught on security cameras start to finish. also the 16-year-old suspect is given police a full confession. the victims family filed into full -- court, visibly shaken. his mother had to be consoled hearing how her hunt was stabbed in the heart. just but he held that knife
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see it, and then when they came at each other again, he stabbed mr. mason once in the chest. jorge: the murder suspect hid behind the door. a source close to the was police. >> they had a player incident that happened before the fight. they went at it before. cameras were also able to backtrack the suspect. he waited for mason raymond. the confrontation started as a fist fight. one-on-one. no friends involved. >> it was clear to him that mr. rehman was not in position of a weapon during the fight. it was fist only until he introduced the knife. jorge: the defendant is being charged as an adult.
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murder first degree. he was ordered held without bail. november 16. wcvb newscenter 5. jc: two people are now facing common. police swarmed the area near park street after the attack, back on october 8. they found a man who' d been stabbed several times. officers just found the suspects on mass ave this past monday. 31-year-old robert zagarella is now charged with assault with intent to murder. 28-year-old megan durant was also arrested. phil: a pepperell belize sergeant off the job, accused of choking a prisoner. the middlesex da confirms that armando herrera is facing several charges. so far no information has been released on the condition of that prisoner. but police chief david skied did issue a statement saying, i want to assure the -- david scott did issue a statement saying, i want to assure the citizens of
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pepperell. we thank you for your continued support. sergeant herrera was with the department for more than 30 years. jc: a tipster who questioned the integrity of a juror in aaron hernandez' s murder trial earlier this year went before a judge today. newscenter 5' s todd kazakiewich is live in fall river tonight, todd, the questioning was done behind closed doors? >> it certainly did, jc. no access to the public. the testimony could bolster s chances of winning an appeal. hernandez' s defense attorneys as where hernando' of odin lloyd. one carried with him a suit for hernandez to wear during the hearing. the former patriots tight end serving a life sentence in
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prison without possibility of parole. at issue, the integrity of a member of the jury that convict did hernandez. the entire jury is seen here. a tipster that works with the juror said that the juror lied by claiming not to know about the 2012 homicide in boston. the defense says if the juror had been truthful, the juror might not have been chosen, since the 2012 homicide was not admissible during the trial. also the tipster said the juror was angling to serve on hernandez showcase. that is another factor that could have led them to reject the juror before the trial began. the hearing lasted about two hours. then a three suv motorcade drove hernandez back to prison. prosecutors question the
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explicit text relationship with hernandez. wcvb newscenter 5. phil: all public schools in fairfield, connecticut were placed under lockdown and dismissed early today due to a threat. police say the threat was made 17 public school district. investigators have not of the threat. but investigators say they have found no credible evidence. we are also peering tonight from red sox manager john farrell for the first time since undergoing his cancer treatments. love halloran is here with more on that. as candid, eloquent, and happy as you have his life-changing event. farrell explained he was given about six months of chemo in his last treatment was three weeks ago. he is no walking up to three miles two times a week. mentally and physically.
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just but there is a choice you can make. but your tail between your legs and feel sorry for yourself, but to hell with that. i have a very goal oriented treatment i have to go through. after treatment i would come to the ballpark and stay connected with tory, with the staff, with the players. that helped me get through those days that were a little bit down day in the cycles, the treatment cycles i was going through. bob: central has no restrictions on his off-season baseball related activities and will fly to arizona tomorrow to meet and strategize with other managing staff. jc: next -- a demand for answers from the family of an arizona man gunned down by a plainclothes police officer. phil: new details revealed about the deadly encounter. jc: a tragedy in france. a bus carrying retirees on a trip collides with a truck. the investigation into the country' s deadliest road
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here at home. the murder overnight in brighton. jc: more trouble tonight for the secret service. two agents caught sleeping on the job. the fallout from the latest misstep. phil: let' s take a look at the traffic. mass avenue. was look at the map. in red, there are delays. mass avenue to route three. north, 32 minutes from the upper deck to 128. out on the pike -- 128 backed up in both directions as you approach -- as you approach the pike. want to get onto 495, there are problems there. that stretch between the mass
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-- >> you' re watching newscenter 5 at 5:00. phil: new details tonight on that florida musician whose car broke down and was later shot and killed after an encounter with a police officer. the family of the corey jones is now demanding answers. >> i need to know. why? why? phil: family and friends of corey jones say they know one thing for certain. just but would never, ever, ever pull a gun on a police. never. phil: authorities say the 31-year-old musician was shot and killed while waiting for help after his car broke down on the side of i-95 in south
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at the time, officer roger was working undercover. according to the family' s attorney, prosecutors told them that he never showed his badge. police say the officer has told them this. >> he stopped to investigate what he believed to be an abandoned vehicle. he was suddenly confronted by an armed subject. phil: he had recently purchased a gun. his family says that he had a concealed weapons permit. prosecutors told the family that the officer fired six bullets, hitting jones three times. how clearly did he identify himself as a police officer? we will never know. we will get his account for it. but he is the only witness. the officer is on paid leave while this case is under review. jc: it' s being called the worst road accident in france in decades. at least 43 people killed when a tour bus collided with a
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truck. this happened near the village of bordeaux. most of the victims were elderly tourists on a day trip to france' s wine country. the driver of the truck and his 3-year-old son were also killed. witnesses say the truck driver lost control, but an investigation is underway. investigators in sweden say racism was the motive behind the deadly stabbing attack at a school. a man armed with a sword and a knife killed two people and injured several others before he was shot and killed by police, -- by police. authorities believe there was a racial motive behind the attack based on the way the attacker dressed, his behavior at the scene, and the way he selected his victims. and they say the school was attended by mostly foreign-born students. phil: new details emerging about the deadly rescue mission in northern iraq. the defense department has identified master sergeant joshua wheeler as the american killed during that operation. master sergeant wheeler is the
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anti-isis campaign last year. dozens of troops raided a compound and freed at about 70 isis captives, believed to be execution. a number of militants were killed and captured. >> this was a support mission in which they were providing support to the kurdistan regional government and u.s. forces are not in an active combat mission in iraq. phil: also important about this deadly that' ll -- this is the first time u.s. forces have directly engaged isis fighters on the ground. jc: heavy rain has already pounded areas across texas and more is on the way bringing rain totals to double digits in some areas. you can see the damage. cars were stranded in flooded streets and mobile homes swept away today. look at that. the dallas airport canceled at least 200 flights in preparation for more storms predicted to hit tonight into tomorrow.
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patricia. harvey: that moisture will also end up over texas. jc: this is enormous and strength and size. harvey: yes, the size of it is rather large overall. that is what they are dealing mexico. look at this contrast to though. could it look more beautiful around boston as we get to the late afternoon, early evening. the nice clear skies and be dry air mass in the region. the dew point is low, the wind is out of the north. that is a cool wind direction. yesterday at this time, it was out of the southwest at this time. 50 in boston and nantucket. what is interesting, when you
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two degrees in worcester, 24 in springfield. a decided change. the winds are still somewhat gusty. now the winds will die down tonight. it is a free fall out in suburbia. we will see those readings dropped to the 20' s and low 30' s. a lot of frost and a lot of communities. probably not so in boston. donna the cape, we will see some low clouds that will come in and stop the temperature from freefalling there. all areas have a chance of seeing something. there could be frost on the soccer fields tomorrow morning. a respectable bounceback. there could be low clouds.
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boston, there will be some ocean clouds. here is the chili high pressure area dominating our area now for tonight into tomorrow. off the coast tomorrow, tomorrow night. this frontal system will begin to make an approach. could that produce wet weather here? and may produce a little bit sunday morning. showers predicted near boston. a few over to the west. the showers, for the most part, should be offshore, and later in the afternoon , northwest to southeast. that looks like how it is going to be playing out. and there is a huge game at foxboro against the jets. it looks like it will be right
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then it is back to cool and dry weather for the first of next week with some wet weather that could be significant for the wednesday night and thursday t ime periods. then sharply colder by friday next week. lots of changes ahead. tonight it was a chilly one. back to you. jc: wow. there' s a lot there. the popular chain gnc facing a lawsuit. phil: coming up next, the product sold in stores allegedly spiked with unmarked ingredients. jc: she' s been dubbed miss friday night. the move she made on the football field right after being crowned homecoming queen. so cold -- phil: then new on newscenter 5 at 6:00, arrested
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jc: newscenter 5' s erika tarantal explains state officials in oregon have filed suit.
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-- the organ attorney general going after gnc for marketing -- the oregon attorney general going after gnc for marketing. the attorney general also claiming that gnc knew both of these products were considered unlawful dietary ingredients. gnc had come under scrutiny before. in march, the company agreed to stricter monitoring of its verbal supplements. -- herbal supplements. >> companies have the responsibility to make sure that their products contain every ingredient on the label and not not on the label.
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fighting back, saying that the charges are without merit and in response to fda statements regarding the regulatory status of the materials, gnc promptly took action to remove from sale of products containing those ingredients. erika tarantella, wcvb newscenter 5. phil: caught on surveillance -- jc: a shirtless man carrying a rifle holds up a mcdonald' s. phil: the reason putting that tt2watv# 1t bt@qu?8 tt2watv# 1t "a@qe3\ tt2watv# 1t bm@qn8p tt4watv# 1t " dztq 6]( tt4watv# 1t " entq fyh
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>> from boston' s news leader, this is wcvb newscenter 5 at 5: 30. phil: here are the stories happening right now. randolph police alerting parents about an attempted abduction. investigators say a suspicious man tried to lure an 11-year-old as she got off a school bus yesterday. the girl says the man grabbed her arm, but she was able to break away. jc: a 16-year-old dorchester team being charged with the murder of another teen. it happened yesterday. the stabbing victim, a 17-year-old from hyde park who tied at the hospital this morning. phil: hurricane katrina --
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